Jakub Dzikowski

Jakub Dzikowski

Node.js, Hyperledger Fabric, microservices

Developer, architect, mentor

Fully remote since 2016


2022 - nowBlockchain lead engineer at Gala

TypeScript, Node.js, Hyperledger Fabric, NestJS, PostgreSQL, Docker

The core infrastructure of GalaChain is a Hyperledger Fabric network with tens of millions of blocks, complemented by supporting services and an SDK for building blockchain applications. I am responsible for designing and implementing core features and the SDK, supporting the production environment, planning GalaChain's roadmap, and co-leading a remote team of up to ten people across multiple time zones.

2019 - 2022Blockchain engineer at SoftwareMill

TypeScript, Node.js, Hyperledger Fabric, Bash, Docker, ReactJS

Contributed to multiple short-term consulting projects focused on Hyperledger Fabric, delivering MVPs and PoC implementations. Co-developed Fablo, a tool designed to simplify the setup of local Hyperledger Fabric networks for development. Authored several blog posts addressing common challenges developers face when working with Hyperledger Fabric.

2016 - 2019Senior Scala full stack engineer at SoftwareMill

Scala, JavaScript, AngularJS, PostgreSQL

Developed a Scala/AngularJS web platform for an agricultural supply chain company. This was my first fully remote position, where I learned the power of small iterative steps and maintaining a sustainable development pace. The project involved direct client communication and adapting to their business needs.

2015 - 2016Senior Java full stack engineer at CRIF
2014 - 2015Big data engineer at 3Soft
2010 - 2014Research assistant / Java engineer / Team leader / Teacher at Department of Information Systems, Poznan University of Economics and Business
2008 - 2010Java engineer at Suncode


2005 - 2010Master of Science at Poznan University of Economics and Business

Graduated with a Master of Science in Information Systems. The course was focused on econometrics, data analysis, modeling, and programming.

Open Source

Lead and maintainer of GalaChain SDK, a framework and a set of tools to build chaincodes on GalaChain.

Co-creator and maintainer of Fablo, a tool to declaratively start Hyperledger Fabric network (LF Decentralized Trust Labs / Hyperledger Labs).

Mentor for LF Decentralized Trust / Hyperledger Foundation.

See my other Open Source projects at github/dzikowski.

Top 5 Gallup strengths



I speak English and Polish. My time zone is CET/CEST.

Feel free to find me at LinkedIn.